Thomas Doe
Social WorkerNulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
The Lagos Civil Society Participation for Development (LACSOP) formerly known as the Lagos State Civil Society Partnership, is a forum of the major civil society networks and coalitions, nongovernmental organisations and volunteers working for the advancement of the people of Lagos State, Nigeria. This means that a lot of our work rests on building alliances that foster citizens’ voices and demand accountability from duty bearers throughout the State.
Since our establishment in 2007, LACSOP has been promoting ownership of the governance process through collaborative interventions with the executive, legislature and the media and by conducting independent assessments of government’s performance. LACSOP adopts a partnership model that empowers a wide range civil society networks and coalitions and positions these to effectively engage with government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on evidenced-based development priorities and reforms in Lagos State. In furtherance of this objective, LACSOP recognised the need to institutionalise an effective participatory governance process in Lagos State to ensure sustainable pro-poor public service delivery and attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
With over 400 civil society members, LACSOP strengthens democracy and good governance in the state through advocacy and coordination of civil society engagement in order to foster increased voice and accountability.
Our definition of civil society is broad. It includes non-government organisations, associational groups, trade unions, voluntary bodies, faith-based organisations, community based organisations, students groups, charities, coalitions and networks, protest and social movements.
Mission And Purposes
Our Vision
The premiere citizens’ platform fostering partnerships and promoting participation in Lagos State governance.
Our Mission
Promoting citizens’ voice, building partnerships and establishing a culture of inclusive and participatory governance in Lagos State through citizens engagement, research and issue-based advocacy.